1.
Dream
big
and
aim
high,
for
the
sky
is
the
limit.
【梦想在高处,向阳映照天际】
2.
Believe
in
yourself
and
your
dreams,
for
they
are
the
fuel
that
drives
you
forward.
【相信自己,梦想是前进的动力】
3.
Every
journey
begins
with
a
single
step,
so
take
that
step
towards
your
dreams
today.
【万事开头难,行动即是梦想起点】
4.
The
path
to
success
may
be
long
and
difficult,
but
the
reward
is
worth
the
effort.
【成功路漫漫,收获值得心血付出】
5.
Don't
let
fear
or
doubt
hold
you
back,
for
they
are
only
roadblocks
on
the
way
to
greatness.
【不要让恐惧或怀疑阻挡你前进,它们只是通往伟大的路上的路障】
6.
Your
dreams
are
your
own,
so
don't
let
the
opinions
of
others
dictate
their
importance.
【梦想属于你自己,不要让他人的意见决定它们的重要性】
7.
It's
never
too
late
to
pursue
a
dream,
for
the
only
limit
is
the
one
you
place
on
yourself.
【追逐梦想从未晚,唯一的限制是你自己】
8.
Success
is
not
measured
by
material
possessions,
but
by
the
fulfillment
of
one's
dreams.
【成功不是用物质财富衡量,而是用实现梦想度量】
9.
clear
vision
of
your
dream
and
a
relentless
pursuit
of
it
will
make
it
a
reality.
【清晰的梦想愿景和不懈的追求将实现它】
10.
Failure
is
not
the
end,
but
a
necessary
step
on
the
path
to
success.
【失败不是终点,而是通往成功的必要步骤】
11.
Stay
true
to
yourself
and
your
dreams,
for
they
define
who
you
are
and
what
you
can
achieve.
【坚持真实自己和梦想,它们定义了你是谁和你可以实现什么】
12.
Embrace
your
fears
and
turn
them
into
opportunities
to
grow
and
succeed.
【拥抱恐惧,将其变成成长和成功的机会】
13.
Be
patient
and
persistent
in
pursuing
your
dreams,
for
the
greatest
achievements
take
time
and
effort.
【追逐梦想要有耐心和毅力,最伟大的成就需要时间和努力】
14.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
risks,
for
they
can
lead
to
the
greatest
rewards.
【不要害怕冒险,它们可以带来最大的回报】
15.
Surround
yourself
with
positive
people
who
support
your
dreams
and
inspire
you
to
be
your
best.
【与积极的人为伍,他们支持你的梦想,激励你成为最好的自己】
16.
Setbacks
and
failures
are
only
temporary,
but
the
lessons
learned
from
them
are
invaluable.
【挫折和失败只是暂时的,但从中学到的经验是无价的】
17.
Don't
settle
for
mediocrity,
but
strive
for
excellence
in
all
that
you
do.
【不要满足于平庸,而是在所做的一切中追求卓越】
18.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
on
anything
but
the
pursuit
of
your
dreams.
【人生苦短,不浪费时间追求梦想】
19.
Your
dreams
may
seem
impossible
now,
but
with
hard
work
and
dedication,
anything
is
achievable.
【你的梦想现在可能看起来不可能,但通过努力和奉献,任何事情都是可以实现的】
20.
Don't
let
anyone
tell
you
what
you
can
or
cannot
achieve,
for
your
dreams
are
yours
and
yours
alone.
【不要让任何人告诉你你可以或不可以实现什么,因为你的梦想只属于你自己】