.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
like
a
fart,
if
you
have
to
force
it,
it's
probably
crap.
"
【笑死了】
2.
"They
say
love
is
blind,
but
it's
more
like
a
drunken
stumble
into
a
tree.
"
【开心】
3.
"If
you
can't
laugh
at
yourself,
then
you're
probably
single.
.
.
and
boring.
"
【哈哈】
4.
"Love
is
like
a
roller
coaster,
it's
terrifying
and
exhilarating
all
at
once.
"
【玩命】
5.
"Marriage
is
like
a
deck
of
cards,
you
start
with
two
hearts
and
a
diamond
and
end
up
with
a
club
and
a
spade.
"
【玩得起】
6.
"Love
is
like
a
headache,
it's
always
better
to
avoid
it
than
deal
with
the
consequences.
"
【头痛】
7.
"Courtship
is
like
a
game
of
chess,
it's
all
about
strategy
and
sacrifice.
"
【聪明】
8.
"Love
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
sometimes
you
get
the
good
stuff,
and
sometimes
you're
stuck
with
the
cheap
crap
nobody
wants.
"
【美味】
9.
"Dating
is
like
a
dumpster
dive,
sometimes
you
find
a
treasure,
and
sometimes
you
just
end
up
covered
in
garbage.
"
【熏了】
10.
"Love
is
like
a
cat,
it
will
ignore
you
until
it
wants
something
from
you.
"
【乖巧】
11.
"Marriage
is
like
a
prison
sentence,
except
you
get
life
without
parole.
"
【牢不可破】
12.
"Love
is
like
a
fishing
trip,
you
have
to
be
patient
and
have
the
right
bait.
"
【小心翼翼】
13.
"Courtship
is
like
a
board
game,
someone
always
ends
up
winning
and
someone
always
loses.
"
【输赢】
14.
"Dating
is
like
a
circus,
lots
of
clowns
and
animals,
and
sometimes
you
end
up
in
a
cage.
"
【惨遭】
15.
"Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
some
pieces
fit
perfectly,
and
some
just
don't
belong.
"
【拼图】
16.
"Marriage
is
like
a
see-saw,
sometimes
one
person
is
up,
and
sometimes
the
other
person
is
down.
"
【平衡】
17.
"Love
is
like
a
toothache,
it
hurts
like
hell,
but
you
can't
stop
poking
at
it.
"
【忍不住】
18.
"Courtship
is
like
a
dance,
you
have
to
step
on
each
other's
toes
before
you
can
finally
get
in
sync.
"
【优美】
19.
"Dating
is
like
a
job
interview,
you
put
on
your
best
face
and
hope
they
don't
see
through
the
bs.
"
【求职】
20.
"Love
is
like
a
houseplant,
it
needs
constant
attention
and
watering,
or
it
will
die.
"
【养护】