1.
"Sometimes,
the
simplest
things
-
like
brushing
your
teeth
-
can
be
a
heartbreaking
reminder
of
the
ones
we've
lost.
"
【#heartbreak】
2.
"We
take
the
little
things
for
granted,
like
being
able
to
stand
at
the
sink
and
brush
our
teeth
every
morning.
"
【#gratitude】
3.
"It's
difficult
to
stand
in
front
of
the
mirror
and
brush
my
teeth,
knowing
that
the
person
looking
back
at
me
is
not
the
same.
"
【#grief】
4.
"When
you
lose
someone,
even
brushing
your
teeth
can
cause
tears
to
fall.
"
【#sadness】
5.
"I
never
realized
how
much
took
for
granted
until
lost
the
person
who
stood
next
to
me
every
night
as
we
brushed
our
teeth.
"
【#realization】
6.
"Some
days,
brushing
my
teeth
feels
like
an
impossible
task,
a
constant
reminder
of
the
person
who
should
be
standing
next
to
me.
"
【#missingyou】
7.
"Sometimes,
the
only
thing
that
gets
me
through
the
day
is
the
thought
of
being
able
to
brush
my
teeth
at
night.
"
【#hope】
8.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
all
we
can
do
is
brush
our
teeth,
go
to
bed,
and
hope
that
tomorrow
will
be
a
little
easier.
"
【#coping】
9.
"Brushing
my
teeth
is
a
routine
that
will
never
feel
complete
without
the
person
who
used
to
stand
next
to
me.
"
【#emptiness】
10.
"It's
the
small
things,
like
brushing
your
teeth,
that
can
trigger
the
biggest
emotions.
"
【#triggers】
11.
"Even
though
it's
been
years,
still
can't
bring
myself
to
throw
away
the
toothbrush
we
used
to
share.
"
【#memories】
12.
"When
you
lose
someone,
the
daily
routines
become
a
painful
reminder
of
the
life
that
was
once
there.
"
【#pain】
13.
"Brushing
my
teeth
is
a
reminder
that
life
goes
on,
even
when
our
hearts
are
shattered.
"
【#movingon】
14.
"Sometimes,
brushing
your
teeth
is
the
only
normal
thing
you
can
do
when
your
world
has
been
turned
upside
down.
"
【#normalcy】
15.
"The
simple
act
of
brushing
your
teeth
can
bring
back
a
flood
of
memories,
both
good
and
bad.
"
【#nostalgia】
16.
"It's
the
little
things
we
do
every
day
that
keep
the
memories
of
our
loved
ones
alive,
like
brushing
our
teeth
with
the
toothbrush
they
left
behind.
"
【#remembrance】
17.
"There
are
days
when
brushing
my
teeth
feels
like
a
betrayal,
like
I'm
moving
on
without
the
person
who
meant
everything
to
me.
"
【#guilt】
18.
"Even
though
their
toothbrush
may
be
gone,
the
memory
of
their
smile
will
always
remain
when
we
brush
our
teeth.
"
【#legacy】
19.
"When
we
lose
someone,
the
little
things
like
brushing
our
teeth
become
an
act
of
mourning,
a
reminder
of
what
once
was.
"
【#mourning】
20.
"Sometimes,
all
we
can
do
is
brush
our
teeth
and
hold
onto
the
hope
that
one
day
the
pain
will
lessen.
"
【#holdingon】