1.
相信自己,你能够做到比想象中更优秀【Believe
in
yourself,
you
can
do
better
than
you
think】
。
2.
无论前方困难重重,踏实努力才是克服它们的唯一方式【No
matter
how
difficult
it
is,
hard
work
is
the
only
way
to
overcome
it】
。
3.
人生路上有很多冷落与打击,但正是这些挫败让你变得更加坚强【There
are
many
setbacks
in
life,
but
it
is
these
setbacks
that
make
you
stronger】
。
4.
投篮有时候就像人生,需要坚定的信念并勇敢面对自己的恐惧【Sometimes
shooting
is
like
life,
it
requires
a
firm
belief
and
the
courage
to
face
your
fears】
。
5.
成功不是偶然,而是每天都在努力的结果【Success
is
not
accidental,
but
the
result
of
hard
work
every
day】
。
6.
让失败成为你成长的力量,而不是压垮你的绊脚石【Let
failure
be
the
strength
of
your
growth,
not
the
stumbling
block
that
crushes
you】
。
7.
人生需要勇气,就像投篮需要投出第一枪【Life
requires
courage,
just
like
shooting
requires
the
first
shot】
。
8.
如果你没有拼搏过,那就永远不会知道自己有多么强大【If
you
haven't
fought,
you
will
never
know
how
strong
you
are】
。
9.
生活就像一场比赛,需要不断地努力才能赢得胜利【Life
is
like
a
game,
you
need
to
constantly
strive
to
win】
。
10.
面对挑战要学会坚持,因为成功就在前方等待着你【In
the
face
of
challenges,
learn
to
persevere,
because
success
is
waiting
for
you
ahead】
。
11.
不要害怕失败,因为“败”字只是一个开始,远远不是终点【Don't
be
afraid
of
failure,
because
"failure"
is
just
a
beginning,
far
from
the
end】
。
12.
善于思考,善于创新,不断提升自己才能走得更远【Be
good
at
thinking,
be
good
at
innovation,
and
constantly
improve
yourself
to
go
further】
。
13.
投出的每一枪,都需要细心考虑,不要贸然行事【Every
shot
you
take
needs
to
be
carefully
considered,
don't
act
recklessly】
。
14.
生活不会因为你的努力就一定回报你,但你不努力,生活就会离你远去【Life
will
not
always
reward
your
efforts,
but
if
you
don't
work
hard,
life
will
leave
you
behind】
。
15.
成功的路上充满荆棘和挫败,但只有坚定的信念才能帮助你走得更远【The
road
to
success
is
full
of
thorns
and
defeats,
but
only
a
firm
belief
can
help
you
go
further】
。
16.
没有什么比坚韧更重要,因为凡事都需要坚韧不拔的毅力【Nothing
is
more
important
than
perseverance,
because
everything
requires
perseverance】
。
17.
不要停留在舒适区,要敢于接受挑战才能迎来更好的未来【Don't
stay
in
the
comfort
zone,
dare
to
accept
challenges
to
usher
in
a
better
future】
。
18.
人生有时候就像投篮,需要看准时机把握机会【Sometimes
life
is
like
shooting,
you
need
to
seize
the
opportunity
when
the
time
is
right】
。
19.
失败并不可怕,可怕的是失败后放弃的心态【Failure
is
not
terrible,
but
the
mentality
of
giving
up
after
failure
is
terrible】
。
20.
勇敢地面对自己的弱点并加以改善,你就会变得越来越强大【Bravely
face
your
weaknesses
and
improve
them,
and
you
will
become
stronger
and
stronger】
。