1.
End
of
the
month
and
feeling
grateful
for
my
hard
work
and
dedication
paying
off
in
my
paycheck.
【感恩月末,辛勤工作终究有回报】
2.
Receiving
my
salary
today
feels
like
getting
a
pat
on
the
back
for
all
the
effort
I’ve
put
in
at
work.
【今天收到工资,感觉就像工作所付出的努力得到了认可】
3.
There’s
nothing
quite
like
the
feeling
of
seeing
your
hard
work
turn
into
a
paycheck.
【没有什么能比得上把努力工作转化为工资的那种感觉】
4.
Can’t
believe
how
quickly
a
month
has
gone
by,
but
excited
to
have
my
paycheck
as
a
reminder
of
all
I’ve
accomplished.
【难以置信一个月就这么过去了,但我很开心能够通过发放工资来提醒自己所取得的成就】
5.
It’s
rewarding
to
know
that
my
hard
work
has
not
gone
unnoticed
and
shows
in
my
paycheck.
【获得工资的喜悦来源于努力工作未被忽视而体现在收入中】
6.
feel
a
sense
of
pride
with
every
paycheck
as
it
represents
the
fruits
of
my
labor.
【每张工资单都会让我感到自豪,因为它代表了劳动的成果】
7.
My
salary
is
more
than
just
a
number
on
a
piece
of
paper,
it’s
a
reflection
of
the
value
bring
to
my
company.
【我的工资不仅仅是一张纸上的数字,更是我为公司创造价值的一种体现】
8.
Hearing
that
notification
sound
on
payday
is
music
to
my
ears!
【发放工资的消息声对我来说就像天籁之音一般美妙!
】
9.
Hard
work
pays
off
literally
when
you’re
hit
with
that
direct
deposit
notification
on
payday.
【当你在发薪日收到工资支票时,你会发现自己的努力付出有着真实的回报】
10.
Grateful
to
have
a
steady
income
and
job
security,
especially
during
these
uncertain
times.
【在这个不确定的时期里,我很感激有一份稳定的收入和职业保障】
11.
Seeing
my
salary
in
my
bank
account
is
a
reminder
to
keep
working
hard
and
pursuing
my
dreams.
【在银行账户里看到工资的到来,会提醒我坚持努力工作,追求自己的梦想】
12.
You
can’t
buy
happiness,
but
seeing
your
hard
work
pay
off
in
your
paycheck
definitely
does
the
trick!
【不能用金钱购买幸福,但收到那张体现付出的工资单,明显能带来快乐!
】
13.
Another
month,
another
paycheck,
another
reason
to
be
proud
of
the
work
do.
【又是一个月,又收到一份工资单,又给了我更多的理由为自己在工作中所做出的贡献感到自豪】
14.
It’s
not
just
about
the
money,
but
the
fact
that
my
hard
work
is
acknowledged
and
rewarded.
【这并不是仅仅在于钱,更是因为我的努力得到了认可和回报】
15.
Getting
paid
for
doing
something
love
never
gets
old.
【做我热爱的事情,并得到回报,从不会觉得枯燥】
16.
Knowing
that
my
salary
is
a
result
of
doing
something
meaningful
never
fails
to
motivate
me
to
keep
going.
【了解到自己的工资是做有意义的事情的结果,永远会激发我继续前行的动力】
17.
There’s
no
better
feeling
than
being
rewarded
for
a
job
well
done
with
a
hard-earned
paycheck.
【没有什么比用辛辛苦苦闯过来的工资单更能体现“凭工作赚钱”这个词语的实际意义】
18.
Waking
up
to
the
notification
that
my
salary
has
been
deposited
is
a
great
way
to
start
the
day!
【一觉醒来,收到发薪通知的消息,是开始美好生活的好方式!
】
19.
It’s
not
just
about
the
money,
but
the
opportunity
to
support
myself
and
my
loved
ones
doing
something
enjoy.
【这不只是金钱问题,而是因为有机会在自己喜欢的事情上获得收入,以支持自己及亲友,让我倍感珍惜】
20.
From
the
long
hours
to
the
hard
work,
it’s
great
to
finally
see
it
all
pay
off
in
the
form
of
a
paycheck.
【从长时间熬夜到辛苦劳作,工资单的到来是对所有云云辛劳的回报】