1.
"The
man
who
asks
a
question
is
a
fool
for
a
minute,
the
man
who
does
not
is
a
fool
for
life.
"
【Confucius】
2.
"Study
the
past
if
you
would
define
the
future.
"
【Confucius】
3.
"Things
that
are
done,
it
is
needless
to
speak
about…things
that
are
past,
it
is
needless
to
blame.
"
【Confucius】
4.
"Success
depends
upon
previous
preparation,
and
without
such
preparation
there
is
sure
to
be
failure.
"
【Confucius】
5.
"The
will
to
win,
the
desire
to
succeed,
the
urge
to
reach
your
full
potential.
.
.
these
are
the
keys
that
will
unlock
the
door
to
personal
excellence.
"
【Confucius】
6.
"Real
knowledge
is
to
know
the
extent
of
one's
ignorance.
"
【Confucius】
7.
"By
three
methods
we
may
learn
wisdom:
First,
by
reflection,
which
is
noblest;
Second,
by
imitation,
which
is
easiest;
and
third
by
experience,
which
is
the
bitterest.
"
【Confucius】
8.
"It
does
not
matter
how
slowly
you
go
as
long
as
you
do
not
stop.
"
【Confucius】
9.
"The
cautious
seldom
err.
"
【Confucius】
10.
"Virtue
is
not
left
to
stand
alone.
He
who
practices
it
will
have
neighbors.
"
【Confucius】
11.
"Silence
is
a
true
friend
who
never
betrays.
"
【Confucius】
12.
"Things
that
are
done
it
is
needless
to
speak
about…things
that
are
past
it
is
needless
to
blame.
"
【Confucius】
13.
"It
does
not
matter
how
tall
you
are,
but
how
well
you
stand
tall.
"
【Confucius】
14.
"The
man
who
moves
a
mountain
begins
by
carrying
away
small
stones.
"
【Confucius】
15.
"The
strength
of
a
nation
derives
from
the
integrity
of
the
home.
"
【Confucius】
16.
"Choose
a
job
you
love,
and
you
will
never
have
to
work
a
day
in
your
life.
"
【Confucius】
17.
"Without
music,
life
would
be
a
mistake.
"
【Confucius】
18.
"The
man
who
asks
a
question
is
a
fool
for
a
minute,
the
man
who
does
not
is
a
fool
for
life.
"
【Confucius】
19.
"Life
is
really
simple,
but
we
insist
on
making
it
complicated.
"
【Confucius】
20.
"Choose
the
best
way
to
live
and
the
best
people
to
follow.
"
【Confucius】