1.
Love
is
the
music
of
the
heart,
and
our
wedding
is
the
perfect
symphony.
【音乐之心,婚礼乐章】
2.
Our
journey
together
is
just
beginning,
but
our
love
story
will
last
for
a
lifetime.
【缘起始于此,爱恋绵长】
3.
Two
souls
with
but
a
single
thought,
two
hearts
that
beat
as
one.
【两心一意,相濡以沫】
4.
In
your
eyes,
have
found
my
forever.
In
your
heart,
have
found
my
home.
【眼中永存,心中有你】
5.
Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
live
with,
it’s
about
finding
someone
you
cannot
live
without.
【相伴不离,难舍难离】
6.
May
our
love
be
like
the
wedding
rings,
a
symbol
of
forever.
【情比金坚,永恒相承】
7.
Our
love
is
a
journey,
and
the
wedding
is
just
the
beginning
of
a
beautiful
adventure.
【爱情之旅,从此开始】
8.
The
power
of
love
can
transform
an
ordinary
moment
into
a
beautiful
memory.
【爱之力量,定格美好回忆】
9.
As
we
say
“I
do”
today,
our
hearts
vow
to
love
and
cherish
each
other
for
eternity.
【今日相诺,永恒誓言】
10.
successful
marriage
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
【心心相印,相爱相守】
11.
Love
is
a
journey
that
brings
us
to
a
destination
called
forever.
【爱情之路,走到永远的终点】
12.
Our
wedding
day
is
not
just
a
celebration
of
our
love,
but
also
a
promise
to
love
and
care
for
each
other
for
the
rest
of
our
lives.
【婚礼日,情意满满,相守一生,无怨无悔】
13.
Love
is
not
just
about
words,
but
actions
that
show
we
are
committed
to
each
other.
【爱非空口白话,更要用行动见证承诺】
14.
With
you,
I’ve
found
love
beyond
my
wildest
dreams.
I’m
grateful
for
every
moment
of
it.
【与你同行,实现梦中爱恋,珍爱每一刻】
15.
marriage
is
not
only
the
joining
of
two
hearts,
but
also
the
union
of
two
families
and
cultures.
【婚姻契合两颗心,连结两家人,融合两种文化】
16.
In
your
eyes,
see
a
future
full
of
happiness,
love,
and
endless
possibilities.
【眼中满载美好未来,共同创造尽情拥抱】
17.
Our
love
is
a
canvas,
and
each
moment
we
spend
together
is
a
brushstroke
that
adds
color
to
our
beautiful
painting.
【相爱的日子,每一刻都是彩笔,勾勒出画卷美丽的情缘】
18.
The
greatest
happiness
in
life
is
the
certainty
that
we
are
loved.
Today,
we
celebrate
that
certainty.
【人生最大的幸福不在于拥有,而在于被深爱,庆祝深痛相知的幸福】
19.
True
love
is
a
journey,
and
not
just
a
destination.
Let’s
take
this
journey
together
forever.
【爱是永不止息的旅途,永守同行的美好】
20.
Today,
we
begin
our
journey
as
one,
holding
hands
and
sharing
our
love
until
the
end
of
time.
【今日两情相悦,执手共度新生,情定千秋万代】