1.
Remembering
our
ancestors
and
loved
ones
on
a
rainy
day
makes
the
memories
even
more
special.
【记忆深处,用雨天悼念所爱的人更显珍贵。
】
2.
The
raindrops
falling
on
the
graves
of
our
ancestors
are
like
tears
from
the
heavens,
reminding
us
of
the
love
and
sacrifices
they
made
for
us.
【雨水滴落墓碑之间,犹如来自天堂的眼泪,让我们记起祖先为我们所付出的爱和牺牲。
】
3.
Even
though
it's
raining,
the
warmth
in
my
heart
for
those
who
have
passed
away
never
dwindles.
【虽然雨水滂沱,我心中过往的故人之情从未减弱。
】
4.
The
sound
of
raindrops
on
the
tombstones
is
a
subtle
reminder
that
our
loved
ones
are
always
with
us,
even
if
they
are
no
longer
physically
present.
【雨点敲击着墓碑,这微妙的声音让我们记住身外之人仍与我们同在。
】
5.
Amidst
the
rain,
offer
my
prayers
to
those
who
have
crossed
over.
May
they
rest
in
peace.
【雨中不绝祷告,我期望逝者安息。
】
6.
Though
the
rain
may
dampen
our
spirits,
it
cannot
dampen
the
memories
of
our
loved
ones
that
live
on
forever
in
our
hearts.
【雨水打湿了我们的心情,却没能淹没在我们的记忆中的所爱之人。
】
7.
The
rain
provides
a
somber
backdrop
for
remembering
our
ancestors
and
the
legacy
they
left
behind.
【雨中悼念祖先,那沉闷的氛围令人心悸。
】
8.
The
rain
may
obscure
the
view,
but
it
cannot
hide
the
love
and
connection
we
still
share
with
those
who
have
passed.
【在雨天,视线有些模糊,但那段沉淀的感情和纽带,却毫不相关。
】
9.
Taking
the
time
to
visit
our
ancestors
on
a
rainy
day
shows
that
their
memory
and
legacy
still
hold
a
special
place
in
our
hearts.
【即便在雨天也特别前往拜访祖先,这表明对他们的敬仰和传承在我们心中依旧占据特别的地位。
】
10.
The
rain
provides
a
sense
of
belonging
and
comfort
as
we
connect
with
the
past,
present,
and
future
generations.
【雨水弥漫开来,我们与过去、现在和未来的人们共同交织在一起,那份归属感和温馨不断滋生。
】
11.
Though
it
may
be
raining
on
their
graves,
the
memories
of
our
loved
ones
will
always
shine
bright
like
the
sun.
【虽然雨水淋湿他们的墓地,但所爱之人的回忆永远和太阳一样明亮。
】
12.
In
the
rain,
am
reminded
of
the
fragility
of
life
and
how
important
it
is
to
cherish
each
moment
we
have
with
those
we
love.
【在雨中,我意识到人生的脆弱,珍惜与所爱之人相伴的每一刻。
】
13.
The
rain
serves
as
a
cleansing
reminder
that
we
must
let
go
of
grief
and
pain,
and
honor
the
legacy
of
those
who
have
gone
before
us.
【雨水洗净沉淀下的忧伤和痛楚,让我们更好地缅怀逝者和传承他们的遗产。
】
14.
The
rain
brings
an
element
of
solitude
and
reflection
as
we
pay
our
respects
to
those
who
have
passed
on.
【雨中反思自省,向已故的人们献上敬意。
】
15.
Though
it
may
rain
on
our
graves
someday,
we
must
live
our
lives
with
purpose
and
honor
the
legacy
of
those
who
came
before
us.
【虽然雨水有朝一日会淋在我们的墓地上,但我们必须活得有意义,承袭前人的遗产。
】
16.
On
a
rainy
day,
am
reminded
of
the
circle
of
life
and
how
we
must
honor
and
pay
tribute
to
those
who
came
before
us.
【在雨季中,我醒悟到生命的轮回,以及如何缅怀和敬仰前人。
】
17.
The
raindrops
on
the
tombstones
are
like
blessings
from
heaven,
reminding
us
of
the
beauty
and
fragility
of
life.
【墓碑上的雨点,如天堂的祝福,让我们感知到人生的美好与脆弱。
】
18.
Despite
the
rain,
we
must
never
forget
the
sacrifices
and
love
of
our
ancestors,
and
their
impact
on
our
lives.
【即便下着雨,我们绝不能忘记祖先的牺牲和爱,以及他们对我们生命的影响。
】
19.
The
rain
on
a
day
of
remembrance
is
a
powerful
reminder
that
we
must
always
cherish
our
loved
ones
while
they
are
still
with
us.
【回忆之日的雨水,提醒着我们,必须在所爱之人还在身边之时,好好珍惜他们。
】
20.
On
a
rainy
day,
am
reminded
that
no
matter
what
the
weather,
the
love
and
memories
we
share
with
our
loved
ones
will
never
fade
or
diminish.
【下着雨的日子里,我意识到,无论天气如何,我们和所爱之人的回忆和爱恋永远不会褪色或减弱。
】