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1.
Fashion
is
not
just
about
what
you
wear,
it's
about
how
you
live
your
life.
【#FashionandLife】
2.
stylish
outfit
can
make
you
feel
confident
and
powerful,
but
only
a
fulfilling
life
can
truly
make
you
happy.
【#FashionvsFulfillment】
3.
Fashion
is
a
form
of
self-expression,
but
don't
forget
to
express
who
you
truly
are,
not
just
what's
trendy.
【#SelfExpression】
4.
It's
not
about
following
the
latest
trends,
it's
about
creating
your
own
individual
style.
【#IndividualStyle】
5.
The
most
fashionable
thing
you
can
wear
is
a
smile
and
a
positive
attitude.
【#Positivity】
6.
Dress
for
yourself,
not
for
others.
Your
style
should
make
you
feel
comfortable
and
confident.
【#DressforYourself】
7.
fashionable
person
knows
how
to
balance
style
and
substance.
【#StyleandSubstance】
8.
It's
important
to
have
a
wardrobe
that
reflects
your
personality,
not
just
what's
popular.
【#PersonalityOverPopularity】
9.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
risks
and
try
new
things,
both
in
fashion
and
in
life.
【#TakingRisks】
10.
Fashion
is
always
changing,
but
your
personal
style
should
remain
consistent.
【#ConsistencyinStyle】
11.
messy
bun
and
a
comfortable
sweatshirt
can
be
just
as
fashionable
as
a
designer
dress
and
heels.
【#ComfortisChic】
12.
Style
is
not
about
how
much
money
you
spend,
it's
about
how
creative
you
can
be
with
what
you
have.
【#CreativityoverCost】
13.
The
most
fashionable
people
are
those
who
embrace
their
unique
features
and
quirks.
【#Uniqueness】
14.
Don't
let
fashion
trends
dictate
your
choices,
follow
your
own
instincts
and
tastes.
【#InstinctsandTaste】
15.
Fashion
should
be
fun,
not
stressful.
Enjoy
the
process
of
discovering
your
personal
style.
【#FashionisFun】
16.
Your
fashion
choices
should
be
a
reflection
of
your
values
and
beliefs.
【#FashionandValues】
17.
Dress
in
a
way
that
enhances
your
best
features
and
makes
you
feel
beautiful.
【#EnhanceYourBeauty】
18.
life
of
fashion
isn't
worth
much
without
a
life
of
purpose
and
meaning.
【#MeaningfulLife】
19.
Don't
let
anyone
tell
you
what
you
can
or
cannot
wear.
Fashion
is
all
about
personal
choice
and
freedom.
【#PersonalChoice】
20.
In
the
end,
fashion
is
just
a
small
part
of
life.
Don't
let
it
consume
you,
but
instead
use
it
as
a
tool
to
enhance
your
overall
lifestyle.
【#FashionasaTool】