.jpg)
1.
"True
friends
are
like
diamonds,
precious
and
rare.
Fake
ones
are
like
autumn
leaves;
everywhere
and
disposable.
"
【友情】
2.
"If
a
friend
talks
behind
your
back,
imagine
what
they're
saying
in
front
of
you.
"
【卑鄙】
3.
"A
true
friend
will
support
you
in
public
and
correct
you
in
private,
while
a
fake
friend
will
criticize
you
in
public
and
praise
you
in
private.
"
【虚伪】
4.
"Fake
friends
are
like
shadows,
they
disappear
when
you're
in
the
dark,
and
reappear
when
you're
in
the
light.
"
【背刺】
5.
"Having
too
many
'friends'
on
social
media
is
like
having
a
closet
full
of
clothes
you
never
wear.
"
【社交虚伪】
6.
"Trust
is
like
a
glass,
once
broken
it
can
never
be
repaired.
Fake
friends
always
leave
cracks.
"
【信任】
7.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
stands
by
you
when
everyone
else
walks
away.
fake
friend
is
someone
who
walks
away
when
everyone
else
stands
by
you.
"
【忠诚】
8.
"Fake
friends
come
and
go,
like
the
waves
of
the
ocean.
True
friends,
however,
anchor
you
down
and
keep
you
steady.
"
【浮躁】
9.
"It's
better
to
have
a
few
true
friends
than
a
bunch
of
fake
ones.
Quality
over
quantity.
"
【珍贵】
10.
"Fake
friends
will
always
be
a
part
of
your
life,
but
don't
let
them
take
up
too
much
space
in
your
heart.
"
【假惺惺】
11.
"A
true
friend
is
one
who
never
leaves
you
alone
in
your
darkest
hour.
fake
friend
is
one
who
creates
the
darkness.
"
【情感】
12.
"You
can
tell
a
lot
about
a
person
by
the
company
they
keep.
Choose
your
friends
wisely.
"
【品质】
13.
"Fake
friends
are
like
a
poison,
slowly
contaminating
your
life.
Cut
them
out
and
cleanse
your
soul.
"
【有毒】
14.
"Real
friends
don't
judge
you,
they
stand
by
you
and
support
you
always.
"
【宽容】
15.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
you
can
rely
on,
someone
who
will
never
let
you
down.
fake
friend
is
the
opposite.
"
【可靠】
16.
"True
friends
bring
out
the
best
in
you,
while
fake
friends
only
bring
out
your
worst.
"
【正能量】
17.
"Fake
friends
only
care
about
what
they
can
get
from
you,
while
true
friends
care
about
your
well-being.
"
【自私】
18.
"A
fake
friend
will
always
have
their
own
agendas,
while
a
true
friend
has
your
best
interest
at
heart.
"
【动机】
19.
"True
friends
are
like
a
lifeline,
pulling
you
up
when
you
feel
like
you're
drowning.
Fake
friends
only
drag
you
down.
"
【成长】
20.
"Fake
friends
are
like
a
cheap
suit,
they
may
look
nice,
but
in
the
end,
they'll
fall
apart.
"
【表象】