1.
"Life's
challenges
may
bring
us
down,
but
they
also
push
us
to
rise
up
stronger.
"
【拼搏奋斗】
2.
"When
faced
with
adversity,
remember
that
you
have
the
strength
and
courage
to
overcome
it.
"
【坚韧不拔】
3.
"Difficult
times
will
test
your
resilience,
but
they
will
also
teach
you
invaluable
lessons.
"
【历经沧桑】
4.
"Challenges
are
not
roadblocks,
they
are
opportunities
to
grow
and
learn.
"
【化挫为胜】
5.
"The
journey
may
be
tough,
but
the
destination
is
worth
it.
"
【积极向上】
6.
"Strength
does
not
come
from
ease,
it
comes
from
overcoming
struggles.
"
【磨砺成钢】
7.
"Life
can
be
tough
at
times,
but
your
attitude
and
determination
can
make
all
the
difference.
"
【乐观向上】
8.
"The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
never
fall,
but
those
who
have
the
courage
to
get
back
up
every
time.
"
【永不放弃】
9.
"In
the
face
of
hardship,
remember
that
you
are
not
alone.
"
【团结合作】
10.
"Life's
obstacles
may
slow
you
down,
but
they
will
never
be
able
to
stop
you.
"
【坚定信念】
11.
"When
you
encounter
difficulties,
don't
let
them
defeat
you.
Rise
above
them
and
come
out
stronger.
"
【勇往直前】
12.
"Mistakes
and
failures
may
feel
like
setbacks,
but
they
are
actually
stepping
stones
to
success.
"
【失败乃成功之母】
13.
"Believe
in
yourself,
even
when
the
world
seems
to
be
against
you.
"
【自信满满】
14.
"If
you
can
make
it
through
the
toughest
of
times,
you
can
make
it
through
anything.
"
【无坚不摧】
15.
"It's
okay
to
struggle,
as
long
as
you
never
lose
hope.
"
【坚定信念】
16.
"Life's
challenges
may
knock
you
down,
but
they
will
never
be
able
to
keep
you
down.
"
【可塑不惊】
17.
"When
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
lemonade.
"
【乐观进取】
18.
"Success
is
not
about
avoiding
adversity,
it's
about
persevering
through
it.
"
【一往无前】
19.
"Challenges
may
be
difficult,
but
they
are
not
impossible
to
overcome.
"
【不畏艰难】
20.
"The
darkest
moments
in
life
can
often
lead
to
the
brightest
of
outcomes.
"
【黎明即将到来】