1.
In
the
Nordic
region,
life
is
simplified
to
its
core,
with
nature
as
the
central
focus.
【北欧简单生活的真谛在于以自然为中心,将生活简单到最本质的层面。
】
2.
Nordic
living
is
about
embracing
the
elements,
being
resourceful
and
appreciating
the
little
things
in
life.
【北欧生活就是要拥抱大自然的元素,善于利用资源并懂得珍惜生活中的细节。
】
3.
Scandinavians
are
known
for
their
minimalistic
approach
to
living,
where
less
is
always
more.
【北欧人以极简主义的生活方式而著名,他们认为越简单越好。
】
4.
It's
not
about
material
possessions,
but
rather
the
experiences
and
memories
created
within
a
home.
【北欧人不看重物质财富,而是注重家庭带来的经验和回忆。
】
5.
In
Nordic
culture,
it's
important
to
feel
a
sense
of
community
and
to
have
a
deep
connection
with
nature.
【在北欧文化中,建立社区感和与自然建立起深度联系是非常重要的。
】
6.
Nordic
homes
are
designed
with
functionality
and
simplicity
in
mind,
creating
a
peaceful
and
uncluttered
living
space.
【北欧家居注重设计的功能性和简单性,营造出宁静舒适的生活空间。
】
7.
Hygge
is
a
Danish
word
that
encompasses
the
coziness
and
contentment
of
a
simple
life.
【Hygge这个丹麦词汇包含了简单生活的舒适和满足。
】
8.
Nordic
cuisine
is
based
on
fresh
and
locally
sourced
ingredients,
highlighting
the
purity
and
simplicity
of
the
food.
【北欧美食以新鲜的本地食材为基础,强调食物的纯洁和简单。
】
9.
The
Nordic
way
of
life
values
a
work-life
balance,
where
time
with
family
and
relaxation
are
just
as
important
as
career
success.
【北欧生活方式重视工作和生活的平衡,家庭和放松时间与事业成功同样重要。
】
10.
Saunas
and
hot
tubs
are
a
common
feature
in
Nordic
homes,
promoting
relaxation
and
well-being.
【北欧家庭常见蒸汽浴室和热水浴缸,促进人们的放松和健康。
】
11.
Nordic
people
are
known
for
their
love
of
the
outdoors,
with
activities
such
as
hiking,
skiing,
and
fishing
being
popular
pastimes.
【北欧人喜欢户外活动,如徒步旅行、滑雪、钓鱼都是流行的消遣活动。
】
12.
Nordic
design
is
renowned
for
its
functionality,
simplicity,
and
use
of
natural
materials.
【北欧设计以功能性、简单性和使用自然材料而著称。
】
13.
In
Nordic
culture,
the
concept
of
lagom
embodies
balance
and
moderation
in
all
aspects
of
life.
【在北欧文化中,lagom一词传达的是生活方方面面的平衡和适度。
】
14.
clutter-free
home
and
a
clutter-free
mind
go
hand
in
hand
in
Nordic
living.
【北欧生活,房间和头脑的简洁是互相关联的。
】
15.
Nordic
countries
consistently
rank
high
in
happiness
and
satisfaction,
with
a
focus
on
social
welfare
and
equality.
【北欧国家的幸福指数和满意度持续高居不下,注重社会福利和平等。
】
16.
Nordic
people
embrace
the
darkness
of
winter,
with
traditions
such
as
hygge,
candlelight,
and
warm
blankets
making
it
a
cozy
and
enjoyable
season.
【北欧人接受冬季的黑暗,通过Hygge、烛光和温暖毛毯等传统让冬季变得温暖舒适。
】
17.
The
slow
pace
of
life
in
Nordic
countries
allows
for
a
deeper
appreciation
of
the
natural
world
and
the
simple
joys
in
life.
【在北欧国家,缓慢的生活节奏让人们更深刻地欣赏大自然和生活中的简单喜悦。
】
18.
With
a
lack
of
natural
resources,
Nordic
countries
prioritize
sustainability
and
ethical
consumption.
【由于缺乏自然资源,北欧国家更注重可持续性和伦理消费。
】
19.
Nordic
people
value
honesty,
integrity,
and
a
strong
sense
of
community,
making
for
a
welcoming
and
friendly
culture.
【北欧人重视诚实、正直和社区意识,创造了一个友好和热情的文化。
】
20.
The
beauty
of
Nordic
living
lies
in
its
simplicity
and
focus
on
the
things
that
truly
matter
in
life.
【北欧生活之美在于简单,并注重生活中真正重要的事情。
】