1.
"I'm
not
trying
to
be
difficult,
I'm
just
not
interested
in
conforming
to
your
expectations.
"
】
2.
"Rebellion
is
not
about
wanting
to
be
different,
it's
about
refusing
to
be
the
same.
"
】
3.
"They
call
it
rebellion,
but
call
it
speaking
my
truth.
"
】
4.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
to
rebel
against
is
your
own
self-doubt.
"
】
5.
"I
refuse
to
be
a
sheep
in
a
world
of
wolves.
"
】
6.
"I
may
be
a
rebel,
but
at
least
I'm
not
a
conformist.
"
】
7.
"The
greatest
rebellion
is
to
be
true
to
oneself
and
not
care
what
others
think.
"
】
8.
"I
don't
need
your
acceptance,
have
my
own
rebellion.
"
】
9.
"The
more
they
try
to
box
me
in,
the
more
break
out.
"
】
10.
"I'm
not
afraid
to
challenge
authority,
it's
just
who
am.
"
】
11.
"They
say
conformity
is
comfortable,
but
I'd
rather
live
in
discomfort
and
authenticity.
"
】
12.
"I
don't
rebel
for
the
sake
of
it,
rebel
for
the
sake
of
my
own
sanity.
"
】
13.
"Where
others
see
rebellion,
see
freedom.
"
】
14.
"You
can
try
to
tame
the
rebel
in
me,
but
you'll
never
succeed.
"
】
15.
"I
reject
the
status
quo
and
embrace
my
individuality.
"
】
16.
"My
rebellion
is
not
for
show,
it's
a
necessary
expression
of
my
identity.
"
】
17.
"I
don't
always
fit
in,
but
I'm
okay
with
that.
"
】
18.
"I'm
not
against
authority,
I'm
against
blind
obedience.
"
】
19.
"I'll
gladly
walk
alone
if
it
means
being
true
to
myself.
"
】
20.
"Rebellion
isn't
always
loud
and
dramatic,
sometimes
it's
just
a
quiet
refusal
to
conform.
"
】