1.
"The
tears
we
shed
are
the
words
our
heart
cannot
express.
"
【#heartbroken】
2.
"Memories
were
supposed
to
be
beautiful,
but
they're
tearing
me
apart.
"
【#memorieshurt】
3.
"The
pain
of
saying
goodbye
is
something
that
never
truly
goes
away.
"
【#goodbyesarehard】
4.
"In
the
depths
of
sadness,
poetry
is
the
only
comfort.
"
【#poetryheals】
5.
"Love
is
a
double-edged
sword
that
can
cut
us
just
as
deeply
as
it
can
heal
us.
"
【#lovehurts】
6.
"I
never
knew
that
a
broken
heart
could
hurt
so
much.
"
【#heartache】
7.
"If
only
my
tears
could
wash
away
the
pain
inside.
"
【#tearsandpain】
8.
"I
miss
the
person
used
to
be
before
you
left
me.
"
【#missingyou】
9.
"Anger
is
just
a
mask
for
the
pain
we
feel
inside.
"
【#angerandpain】
10.
"The
silence
is
deafening
when
the
one
you
love
is
no
longer
there
to
talk
to.
"
【#silentpain】
11.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
realizing
that
the
other
person
already
has.
"
【#movingonishard】
12.
"I
thought
time
would
heal
my
broken
heart,
but
it
just
made
it
easier
to
hide.
"
【#timedoesnthelp】
13.
"The
scars
left
behind
by
love
are
the
deepest
wounds.
"
【#scarsoflove】
14.
"Life
goes
on,
but
the
pain
of
losing
someone
never
truly
fades
away.
"
【#neverforget】
15.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
let
go
is
to
hold
on
a
little
longer.
"
【#lettinggoishard】
16.
"In
the
end,
it's
the
memories
that
hurt
the
most.
"
【#memorieshurt】
17.
"You
were
the
missing
piece
in
my
life,
and
now
that
you're
gone,
feel
incomplete.
"
【#missingyou】
18.
"Loneliness
is
the
hardest
battle
to
fight
when
you
have
no
one
to
fight
it
with.
"
【#lonelinesshurts】
19.
"Grief
is
a
never-ending
process
that
we
must
learn
to
live
with.
"
【#griefneverends】
20.
"The
pain
of
losing
you
will
always
be
a
part
of
me,
but
so
will
the
love
that
we
shared.
"
【#neverforgotten】