1.
"I
have
a
headache,
I'm
going
to
take
an
aspirin.
"
【只是治标不治本。
】
2.
"I'm
going
to
work
hard
today
so
can
relax
tomorrow.
"
【推迟休憩时间不是健康的方式。
】
3.
"I'll
start
my
diet
on
Monday.
"
【明天永远不会到来。
】
4.
"I
don't
have
time
for
exercise,
I'm
too
busy.
"
【身体的健康比时间更重要。
】
5.
"I'll
just
wing
it,
don't
need
a
plan.
"
【在路上迷路是不必要的烦恼。
】
6.
"I'll
read
the
instructions
later,
can
figure
it
out.
"
【无意间浪费的时间不会回来的。
】
7.
"I'm
not
good
at
math,
I'll
never
be
good
at
it.
"
【自我限制只会阻碍成长。
】
8.
"I'll
just
guess
the
answer,
don't
want
to
spend
too
much
time
on
it.
"
【草率行事只会浪费更多的时间和精力。
】
9.
"I
don't
need
to
wear
a
seatbelt,
I'm
a
good
driver.
"
【安全无小事,防患于未然。
】
10.
"I'm
too
shy
to
speak
up,
I'll
just
stay
quiet.
"
【在合适的时候发声,才会被听到。
】
11.
"I'll
just
use
a
translator,
don't
need
to
learn
a
new
language.
"
【语言不只是传达意思,更是文化的融合。
】
12.
"I'll
just
Google
it.
"
【不要忘记真正学习根源,而不是只是获得答案。
】
13.
"I'll
just
copy
and
paste,
it's
faster.
"
【道德是做事的基础,不能轻易地放弃。
】
14.
"I
don't
need
to
write
it
down,
I'll
remember
it.
"
【记忆很容易出错,写下来才更可靠。
】
15.
"I'll
clean
it
up
later,
it's
not
that
dirty.
"
【小问题容易堆积成大问题。
】
16.
"I'll
just
buy
a
new
one,
it's
cheaper
than
fixing
it.
"
【修补比替换更环保,也有可能更经济。
】
17.
"I'll
just
say
sorry,
it's
easier
than
trying
to
fix
the
problem.
"
【勇于面对问题,才会有解决的机会。
】
18.
"I'll
just
ignore
it,
it
will
go
away.
"
【有些问题不会自动消失,需要我们采取行动。
】
19.
"I'll
just
multitask,
it
saves
time.
"
【专注于一件事情,比一心二用更高效。
】
20.
"I'll
just
leave
it
for
someone
else
to
do,
I'm
too
busy.
"
【背负的责任,难以轻易地转移给别人,至少要有尽力去完成的精神。
】